Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer Movie

The Summer Movie thet I am looking forward to see is Battleship. It came out at midnight but I still consider it a summer movie. The is the movie that I look forward to seeing the most. I also want to see the ne GI Joe retalliation.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Journal Entry

This week has gone by really slow. I hope next week goes by faster. I hope that I don't fail my language arts class but my grade keeps dropping because of her grading system for not using vivid words in the papers. I can't wait to get out of that class. Other than that I should do fine in all of my classes. I'm hoping that over the summer I can save up enough money to sell my car and buy something a few years newer. My car is almost fixed I just need to get the new bumper ordered when I get my paycheck on monday.After I get the bumper the car will look somewhat better other than the different color of bumper and hood.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Substitute experience

To make sure that the sub has a good experience I will try and get my work done.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

If I could buy one thing for one person, what would it be?

If I had to choose to buy one thing for one person I don't think I would buy any thing at all. It would be too hard to choose one person when I know that more people need things. I just wouldn't buy anything for anyone.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Finals preperation

I'm preparing for finals by making sure I have all my missing work turned in so I can have my grade as high as I can going into finals. After doing that I will study the marterial that the teacher says we need to study. Other than that I don't really do anything else to prepare for finals.

Friday, May 11, 2012

journal entry

This week was pretty good. I work tonight. I am hoping to have my car back to normal by the end of next week. I have to order a new bumper and hood and it will look like nothing ever happened. After I et everything fixed I am going to save up some money so I can by a better car. I should still be able to sell mine for atleast 2000. If I cant get that I won't be too happy.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

This week's assignments

I don't like this weeks assignments at all. I just really want this school year to be over. I haven't done much accept the business card. The logo I made wasn't that great and dooesn't represent the company that well. I am more worried about passing my other classes and don't pay much attention to this class because it isn't going to benefit me in the future.